Red Prayer Shawl

Price: $50.00

Availability: in stock

Prod. Code: ps5689

Talis is 24x30 and comes in Maroon, Gold and White

Wearing a prayer shawl establishes a special connection with God. A talis is more than a prayer shawl. It is filled with profound meaning and religious significance. Christians today are wearing the shawls as a symbolic rememberance of him. They are using it for worship, prayer and as a symbolic act of the covering that Christ gave us when he shed his blood, as a covering for our sins.

The colors in the talis are very significant: Red represents: Wisdom, Power, Life, Blood Atonement, Honor, Courage. White represents: Purity, Light, Holiness, Righteousness, Bride Of Christ, Triumph. Gold represents: An element that symbolizes the refinement of the spirit; royalty and transcendence. Gold is representative of the spirit. Opulent wealth and spiritual power.



All Talis come from Israel